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By Hedi Rappard

I started JUNE, a menstrual care company, because I wanted to help as many people as possible make the switch to healthier, comfier period products.

For years, tampons gave me chronic yeast infections and discomfort every single month. When I discovered menstrual cups, my infections went away and I finally got my life back. 

I launched JUNE right at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and charging the industry standard of $29+ for a menstrual cup didn’t sit right with me. I didn’t want the product that changed my life to be inaccessible to anyone.

So I got together with my team and we decided to do something unheard of in the menstrual industry: sell our cups at cost for just $6 to help offset the economic impact of the pandemic. 

Our cups sold out almost overnight. That’s when I saw the huge potential of what first seemed like a simple pricing choice: offering our cups at cost could change millions of menstruators’ lives. 

Access to safe and healthy period products is a bigger issue here in the US than many of us know. In 28 states, tampons and pads are taxed, adding to their already high cost.  Across the country, period products cannot be paid for with food stamps, forcing many menstruators to choose between buying food and buying tampons.  

In addition to price, there are other access issues around traditional period products. Trans or non-binary menstruators avoid buying period products in public for fear of prejudice. They may even hesitate to change their pads and tampons in public restrooms for fear that the sound of the wrappers will put them in danger.

Menstrual cups are a smart solution to so many of these accessibility issues: they can be washed and reused for years, taking away the financial burden of buying pads and tampons every month. They can be safely worn for up to 12 hours leak-free, making them more discreet for people who fear dealing with their periods in public. Plus, they’re a more sustainable option, keeping 12 billion pads and 7 billion tampons out of landfills every year.

But making the switch to a menstrual cup is no small thing when you’ve used pads and tampons your entire life. And in the face of paying $29+ for a cup, many menstruators will never feel like it’s worth the financial risk. 

That’s where JUNE comes in. Over the last year, I’ve watched in amazement as 350,000 menstruators have made the switch to the June Cup.

For less than the cost of a box of tampons, trying a menstrual cup no longer feels like such a big leap. Once they try it, most people love it. This review from a customer really sums up the feedback we’ve gotten: “You selling your cup for $6 was the reason I took the plunge and tried my first cup. I had always been skeptical but at that price, I thought, why not? Now I will never go back to tampons. Thank you for making your product so affordable – I never knew my period could be this good.”

In celebration of our commitment to extend our $6 price point, from Monday, June 28th to June 30th we’re giving customers up to 50% off our period products: underwear, cup wash, wipes and more.

Try a cup for just $6 – and pick up anything else that catches your eye – and you’ll put us one step closer to our mission of making better period care more accessible for all. 

This is a sponsored post! We’d never work with a brand we didn’t believe in. Support the menstrual equality movement by clicking through these links, purchasing their products, or by sharing this story with your friends!